Monday, March 17, 2008


"Praise to you,
Lord Jesus Christ,
King of endless glory."

From the writings of Henri J. M. Nouwen
"Show Me the Way: Readings for Each Day of Lent,"
pages 33-34

Our lives are destined to become like the life of Jesus. The whole purpose of Jesus' ministry is to bring us to the house of his Father. Not only did Jesus come to free us from the bonds of sin and death, he also came to lead us in the intimacy of his divine life. It is difficult for us to imagine what this means. We tend to emphasize the distance between Jesus and ourselves. We see Jesus as the all-knowing and all-powerful Son of God who is unreachable for us sinful, broken human beings. But in thinking this way, we forget that Jesus came to give us his own life. He came to lift us up into loving community with the Father. Only when we recognize the radical purpose of Jesus' ministry will we be able to understand the meaning of he spiritual life. Everything that belongs to Jesus is given for us to receive. All that Jesus does we may also do.

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