Sunday, February 07, 2010

World Day for Consecrated LIfe

Redemptoristine Nuns - Mother of Perpetual Help Monastery
Esopus, New York

Celebrating Consecrated Life

We join today in celebrating the gift of consecrated life to the Church and the world.  It is wonderful to give attention to this particular vocation to which the Lord is still inviting many. It is just that there is so much competition for our attention, our time, our devotion. So we must continue to point to the reality of the invitation. In addition to praying for religious vocations, we must pray for growing faithfulness to our commitment to the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience in service to God, all people and all of creation.

A number of efforts point to the history and viability of consecrated life. The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) has sponsored the creation of an outstanding exhibit spotlighting religious life. Women and Spirit: Catholic Sisters in America can currently be seen at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Later in the spring it will be in Cleveland and on September 24 arrive at Ellis Island Museum of Immigration in New York City.

Another educational tool created in service to American women religious is a CD set of lectures by a scholar from Syracuse University, Prof. Margaret Susan Thompson, Ph.D. History of Women Religious in the United States is availble from 1-800-955-3904. We have been listening to this series at our noon meal.

Today at our Mass we and our visitors will offer the following prayer for vocations provide by the National Religious Vocation Conference. Join us is saying it as frequently as you can.

Prayer for Vocations

Generous God,

You show us the way that leads to everlasting life.

Through baptism you have called us

to proclaim the Good News.

Bless and strengthen those

who have made a commitment

of service in the Church.

Guide and give wisdom to those discerning their vocation.

Enrich our Church with dedicated

married and single people,

with deacons, priests,

and with people in consecrated life.

Filled with your Holy Spirit we ask this blessing that we,

your people, may follow Jesus, our Good Shepherd,

now and always, Amen.


Dina said...

Many thanks to you, Sr. Hildegard, and to your sisters everywhere for your devotion and service.
Many blessings on your special day.

Shalom from Jerusalem.

Sr. Hildegard said...

Long time, no word, Dina. Glad to hear from you and thank you very much.I hope that all is well with you and your family. Peace.

Sister Marie said...

Many prayers for vocations to your community. I belong to a community of apostolic women religious who take Alphonsus as their patron. I feel very close to your community and enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for all the work you put into it. God bless you always and may more young women answer the call to a vocation to the religious life in your community.

God bless you!
Sister Marie