For everything that has been we say,
"Thank you, Lord."
On Sunday April 29, 2012 at 2pm our contemplative monastic community invited friends to join us for a Mass of Thanksgiving - also a bit of a send off as we prepare to leave our current monastery on the grounds of what was Mt. St. Alphonsus Retreat Center (former major seminary of the Baltimore Provine of the Redemptorist Congregation).
The celebration has a bit of a new twist to it since it turned out to be an opportunity to explain to all present the recent change in plans for our relocation. As previously announced on this blog, we had intended to move to a former convent in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Until last week we were in contract to do so. Due to difficulties concerning a buried and leaking oil tank we were forced to withdraw from the contract which was due to expire on the 27th.
As of May 1, 2012 we have 31 days to find interim housing and begin a new search for a permanent home. We are arranging to rent space in a nearby facility. We have already begun to network, talk to realtors and personally visit properties.
In the meantime I post here the introductory remarks offered at the Mass by Sr. Moira Quinn, our Prioress. They are followed by the Intercesory Prayers written for the Mass. We count on your prayers and support.
Mass of Thanksgiving Introduction
Good afternoon and
welcome to our Mass of Thanksgiving for all the love and support all of you have given to us here in
Esopus over the years.
Over 54 years
ago the sisters came down from Canada to the Town of Esopus. Foundresses, Sisters Paula and Mary Anne, are
still with us today. The Redemptorists had rented a lovely old house in West
Park called “Heart’s Ease,” as a temporary residence while their monastery was
being built on the property of Mount St Alphonsus. Soon after their arrival Sr. Mary joined
Recently, we
made the acquaintance of the new owners of “Heart’s Ease” who are restoring it
to its former glory. We were invited as a community to have “tea” and to
celebrate the Eucharist in the very room where the sisters had Mass those many
years ago. It was a moving experience for
us all; an experience of coming full
circle in our history.
Eleven years ago we
moved into this lovely monastery and now God is calling us to move again. For the last six months, we thought we had
found a place that would suit us in East Rutherford, New Jersey; a place which
offered the possibility of a future for our community. However, we have come to realize, after being
unable to come to a satisfactory understanding with the owners of the property,
that it was not meant to be.
So, while we will be moving from Esopus May 31st,
we will be moving for only a temporary
stay until we discover the place God wants us to be a radiant witness, a living
memory of the Redeemer and God’s plan of love for the world. Presently, we are in negotiations with the
Cabrini Sisters just down the road for our temporary location.
Prayer of the Faithful
all that has been, we say, “Thank you, Lord.”
all that will be, we say, “Yes, Lord”
Ø With
gratitude for our Redemptoristine and Redemptorist family.
we pray that the mystical charism
of Maria Celeste and the missionary charism of Alphonsus will continue to
invoke the “Living Memory” of Christ’s redeeming love, we pray to the
Ø With
appreciation for the beauty of this land and it river, we pray for the
protection of all creation and that this property will continue to be a locus
of spiritual blessing, we pray to the Lord.
Ø Remembering
all the sisters who have gone before us, especially Sister Mary Catherine and
Sr. Peg; invoking their intersession for the two foundresses who remain among
us, Sr. Mary Anne and Sr. Paula, and upon the entire community, we pray for an
outpouring of the guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord.
Ø With
grateful hearts we remember the many women who have sojourned for a time with
this community; may they be blessed always in their spiritual journeys, we pray
to the Lord.
Ø On
this World Day of Prayer for Vocations, we ask that those hearing the call of
God will be given listening hearts and guidance in discernment. With appreciation, we pray too for all women
in vowed religious life, that our Church and all the People of God will offer
them generous support, we pray to the Lord.
Ø Appreciating
the presence of so many here today, we also remember many others who have gone
before us and offer a prayer of profound gratitude. We remember all of our
friends, lay associates and benefactors, may they be abundantly blessed, we pray
to the Lord.
Ø We
pray for our Church; may Pope Benedict, the bishops, pastors and lay leadership
be encouraged and enlightened as they respond in love to the signs of the times
and the needs of all, we pray to the Lord.
Ø We
remember all those who have gone before us to the heavenly feast; that they may
be enjoying the fullness of God’s presence and interceding for us in our need,
we pray to the Lord.
Ø For
all the graces received through the intercession of our Mother of Perpetual
Help, we say, “Thank you, Lord.” In all
that is yet to be, with hearts open and courageous, in unison with Mary, may we
always respond with a resounding, “Yes, Lord”, and so we pray to the Lord.
Check out oru FACEBOOK Page for pictures.
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