Thursday, September 27, 2012

Contemplative Prioress Filled with Spirit

Sr. Moira Quinn, OSsR
On September 25 we had our monthly celebration of "Little Christmas" remembering in a special way the Incaration of Jesus our Redeemer. As is the custom we renewed our vows at Midday Prayer after our prioress had shared with the community some inspiring words.

Remember the Call

Music: Do You Remember the Call


It has been quite a year.  I don’t remember the last time I gave the prioress’ ferverino on the 25th!   Nevertheless, here we are in the early days of autumn renting space in Cabrini on the Hudson.  Soon the leaves will begin to change color and then leaves will float gently to the ground and decompose back into the earth to replenish the soil for new life to take root.
In remembering the Incarnation and remembering our call we harken back to
the ‘Gospel seeds’ that were planted in our hearts: seeds that took root and grew into tender green shoots that eventually became tall and strong over the years in the light of Christ.  And now, basking in the Son’s rays, we trust in the journey thus far and gather our collective wisdom and insight and mulch them into ground of our beings and water them with hope in preparation for whatever future God has in store for us.

We live our Redemptoristine life in hope that we will still flourish because ‘Hope is the power of Jesus Risen in us.’  (Constitution and Statutes  135)  What that will look like we don’t know.  New life is hiding.  Perhaps what we do, how we live our contemplative life now, will plant new gospel seeds somewhere else that will take root and grow. In order to flourish and generate new life for the Order new planting may be called for: new planting in the salvation history of the people of God, new planting in the culture and the times in which we live, new planting of the contemplative monastic structures by on-going formation, dialogue, conversion and adaption for the sake of a deeper renewal of the charism of the Order of the Most Holy Redeemer. 
Through the inspiration of our Incarnate Lord, generations of Redemptoristines before us have planted seeds in the world to ‘be a visible witness and a living memorial of the Paschal Mystery of Redemption in which the Father has accomplished His plan of love through Christ and in the spirit.’ (Constitution and Statutes #1)

In all our joys and sorrows, challenges and achievements, sisters young and sisters aged with wisdom have courageously lived in their lives the Paschal Mystery just like our foundress Ven. Maria Celeste.   

Jesus promised Celeste, therefore us, that when we ‘leave everything in his hands all things will fall into place for the best purpose!  (So) with faith, believe in him; with hope, keep your every good secure; and love only him, as the Lord of your heart and as the Life in which you live!’ (Florilegium 101)

We have offered to the Incarnate Lord, our Holy Redeemer, our life of praise and intercession by faith in the living Christ in response to the love God has bestowed on us through the Son.  May the ‘Consoling Spirit who gathers us together help us live in unity’ (Constitution and Statutes #3) and continue to grow into the fullness of Redemptoristine life in our changing times. 

Remembering our call and the seeds of Love planted within our hearts let us renew our vows.

Profession of Vows
Loving Lord and Father, you have called me to relive
in myself the Mystery of Jesus, your well-beloved Son
and to be a living memorial of it, and, under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit to pour out on the world
the light of your love, shining on the face of your Christ,
the Savior of the world.
To perfect in myself the union with the mystery of the
death and resurrection of Christ, begun in Baptism, to
glorify your name and for the redemption of humanity,
I wish to confirm my first consecration by a new covenant.
For this reason, in communion with the whole Church, I
profess vows of poverty, chastity and obedience according
to the Constitutions and Statutes of the order of the Most
Holy Redeemer.
I trust in your mercy, O my god, with the maternal help of
Mary, Mother of Christ and our Mother, to remain faithful
to my covenant.



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