Thursday, January 17, 2008


January 13-18, 2008

Isn't this a great photo of our Sr. Maria Paz Suarez? She specializes in a particularly welcoming brand of hospitality and offers a wonderful example of contemplative life devoted to prayer and the conscious, on-going and all-encompassing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Her welcoming gesture is a visual expression of our desire to share this life with others who are drawn to a life of intimacy with our Redeemer facilitated by the silence and solitude as well as the communal life of contemplative monasticism. The Venerable Maria Celeste Crostarosa, our foundress, continues to invite women into the charism - to live in such union of hearts with Jesus and with each other in community that we become "living memories", ("viva memoria") of our Savior. By our lives we are to be witnesses of the totally gratuitous love of God for all humankind and all of creation - "For God so loved the world...."

The little heading above reads "Perfect Timing". This is Vocation Awareness Week and I have just become so much more aware of vocations in being appointed Vocation Director for this community. Is this divine synchronicity or what? Pray for the effort. Pray for all those who make inquiry with us, that God will illumine their minds and speak to their souls. Pray for this community, that we might be ready to welcome, to share, to teach, to guide, to inspire, and to model Redemptoristine contemplative life. The vocation to be a contemplative nun is a rare one. But we know that the call to this life is heard even in these times. May hearts respond with love and generosity and desire to the invitation to join in the apostolic work of maintaining a praying presence before the throne of God for the salvation of the world.

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