Monday, May 15, 2017

History Teaches: 
     Effects  of Industrial Revolution

Dare a member of the academic elite opine? Takes a bit of courage these days. However, compelled 
as I am, here are some thoughts. They emerge from what I thought was a sudden flash of brilliant idea.
Further research brought me down a peg by revealing that the idea did not originate with me.

Recently I engaged in very stimulating conversations about the the current state of things with two young
men (freshman and sophomore in high school) and their father. The youngsters were totally engaged 
in the discussion, knowledgeable and very capable of expressing their thought out opinions. In the midst
of extolling the balance of powers in our government, presidential propriety, banning immigrants and 
restoring jobs in coal mines my new idea came as a flash. "We are going through a new industrial revolution
without learning the lessons of the unintended consequences caused by the last one", I blurted out.

Few would doubt that we have entered a period of technological revolution. It seems those in decision making 
positions effecting not only our citizens but also those of the world have failed to comprehend the enormous 
consequences of that revolution. Much less have they considered the unintended negative consequences for 
society which the industrial revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries caused. Highly recommended is an essay 
concerning the social effects of the industrial revolution . I makes abundantly clear the negative effects of 
unbridled free market capitalism.

In 2016 German economist Klaus Schwab published "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" . Reading it brought to 
an end my notion of having a unique idea. After giving historical context and ample evidence for his theory
(and that of others) of this new and equal consequential global revolution he offers a number of chapters on 
the consequences in terms of the economy, nature of work,business, national and global developments,
society at large and the individual. 

Sub-topics in these areas include but are not limited to:

nature of work
consumer expectations
collaborative innovation
inequality and the middle class
identity, morality and ethics
human connection
managing public and private information

You must be getting the idea. What is facing us cannot be fixed by persuading companies not to move facilities
in order to keep to 1,200 employees on the job; not by assuring coal miners that jobs will come back. 
Coping with what is to come requires major study and planning within an informed and communicating citizenry, 
governance by the constitutionally balanced executive, legislative and judicial branches of government less
interested in re-election or appointment than the best interests of all and influenced by 'the better angels of their
nature, and finally, business within a compassionate capitalist system.

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