Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nuns Continue Novena to Perpetual Help

June 26, 2008
Eighth Day of Novena to Mother of Perpetual Help
Readings: Sirach 24: 9-11 Responsorial Luke 1:46-55
John 2: 1-11


Good evening. I am Sr. Moira and on behalf of our community I welcome you to the second night of our Triduum and eighth day of our Novena. Today we honor Our Mother of Perpetual Help under the title of Mother of Divine Hope.

Gazing at this icon I notice the figures are almost overpowered by the gold surrounding them. In my heart I think of that as the symbol of Divine Hope. Jesus is our Divine Hope and when he was frightened Mary surrounded him with her arms and held him, and encouraged him, as she did at the wedding feast of Cana. She does so with us now; she gives us Divine Hope.

A few years ago I wrote a poem in honor of Mary which spoke of this hope; our longing for that which we most desire will be fulfilled: our salvation. It says, in part:

Gold is the rose of triumph unimagined.
Woman of hope, you sensed all would be well.
You shared that trust in One who came to save us;
Pray we be one: a people full of hope.
Walk with us now, our Mother and our Sister,
We follow you, our guide in times of hope.
© Moira Quinn 2005

Therefore, as one, let us unite our hope-filled prayers with Our Mother of Perpetual Help’s, Our Mother of Divine Hope, as we celebrate this Eucharist with our celebrant Fr. Charles Brinkman, and give thanks for all our hopes fulfilled.


Holy Mary, help all in distress, encourage the fainthearted, console the sorrowful, be the advocate of all the clergy and religious, strengthen family life, bring peace to our world, intercede for all God’s holy people; let all feel your aid who implore your Perpetual Help.

V: Our Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for us.
R: That we may become worthy of the promises of Christ.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who has given us your Mother Mary, whose miraculous image we venerate, to be our Mother, ever ready to help us, grant we pray, that we who earnestly implore your aid may deserve to enjoy perpetually the fruit of your redemption. You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.

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